I Think I Need LASIK

It’s official! I enjoy the city! I knew I would, but I didn’t think it would happen so fast. I adapted to my commute rather quickly. Learned how to shuffle through the madness when walking to work. Got used to the stank from the homeless people, except when I pass public telephone posts. Why does…

Good Morning New York City

It’s been a hot minute, but I am back. As usual, I have a lot of projects that I am working on, but one of the newest change is my job, in every aspect. It was hard to part ways with my previous employer as I gained valuable friendships with so many. However, I like to think…

You Have Awoken the Beast

Almost… Things I do: Work full-time (Nothing out of the norm. It’s expected when you are 27.) I own my own fashion line; I teach art on the side; Keep up with my social life. Things that I have to deal with: My younger sister’s newly diagnosed illness, NMO; My mother’s psyche with having her…